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Your Information Is Safe

We maintain PCI DSS compliance and employ cutting-edge encryption technology to ensure the utmost safety of your information.

Secure Checkout

Our secure checkout guarantees data safety with SSL encryption, shielding your personal and payment details from unauthorized access.

100% satisfaction Guarantee

Your satisfaction is our promise. If issues arise with your order, we offer same-day up until 3pm, or next-day replacements.

Dingo's Natural Pet Food, Self-Wash & Grooming

Our locally-owned pet store provides:

  • Natural Dog & Cat Food
  • Natural Pet Products
  • Dog Grooming
  • Self-Serve Bathing
  • Pet Nutrition Consultations
  • Pet Food Delivery


Westminster Address

2741 W 120th Ave 300
WestminsterCO 80234

Phone: (720) 550-6167

Reunion Address

15209 E 103rd Pl
Suite 1000
Commerce CityCO 80022

Phone: (720) 550-6167

Opening Hours

Mon - Sat: 10am - 7pm

Sun: 10am - 5pm

In Partnership With:

Logo - In Partnership with Doggie Dude Ranch and the O'Cat Corral
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